Standing Starts
On your Marks
The foot is placed up to the starting line but not on it.
The feet are about shoulder width apart to obtain a good balanced position
The weight is distributed so that about 2/3rds of the weight is on the front foot
Bend the knees and lean forwards.
Arms synchronised with the legs - in this case left foot forward and right arm forward
Back, neck and head in line
Remain motionless
Crouch Starts
On your Marks
Place the leftt foot behind the line and right foot behind the left
Remove the left foot and place the left knee adjacent to the right ankle
The toe of the left foot should be turned under
Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width
Arms should be straight but not locked at the elbow
The fingers must be behind the line
The fingers should form a bridge, with the thumbs pointing towards one another
When viewed from the side the shoulder should be above the start line
The head and neck should be in line with the spine
Hips raised to a position slightly higher than the shoulders
There should be an angle of 90 degrees at the front knee
There should be an angle of 120 degrees on the rear knee
When viewed from the side the shoulder should be above the start line
The head and neck should be in line with the spine
Remain motionless
Block Starts
On your Marks
Feet correctly located in the blocks
Fingers behind the line and forming a high bridge
Hands evenly positioned slightly wider than shoulder width
Shoulders back and vertically above or slightly forward of the hands
Arms straight but not locked at the elbows
Head and neck in line with the spine
Eyes focused on the track (1 to 2 metres ahead)
Gentle breathing, face and neck muscles relaxed
Hold the breath
Hips rise slowly to a position above the shoulders
Head and neck in line with the spine
Eyes focused on the track one or two metres ahead
Shoulders vertically above or slightly forward of the hands
Front leg knee angle approx. 90 degrees
Rear leg knee angle approx. 120 degrees
Feet pushed hard back into the blocks
B of the Bang
Drive the arms hard
Extend the whole body so there is a straight line through the head, spine and extended rear leg - body approx. 45 degree angle to the ground
Eyes Focused on the track 2 to 3 metres ahead
Run out of the blocks - do not step or jump out of the blocks