Hurdles training is good basic training for all events (hammer, Javelin etc)
Hurdles requires Speed - Rhythmic Pattern - Confidence - Flexibility
Racing over hurdles demands an elongated sprint stride with as little deviation from correct sprint form as possible
Hurdles - start
The start is in general as in the flat sprint.....
BUT Trail leg is in the front position - 8 strides to first hurdle
AND come up quicker.
Hurdles - take off, flight, land
- Run tall
- Drive the body more forward than upwards - Run into the hurdle, do not jump
- Lift lead leg high and straight at the hurdle (do not swing lead leg around)
- Push hips at hurdle and bring knee and leg down fast on other side
- Body kept in sprint posture
- Trail leg is lifted high to the side with heel tucked into the bottom and brought around to the front as high
as possible before coming down fast in a straight line with the direction of the forward movement.
- When above the hurdle, the trail leg is almost right-angled at both the knee and ankle.
- Arm movement counterbalances the leg movement
- The lead arm is bent and moves backwards around the trail leg.
- Landing on ball of foot.
- High knee lead of the trail leg. (upward & forward )
- Fast transition into sprint.
- Practice leading with both legs.
Hurdles - 3 strides
Three sprinting strides (no overreaching) in between hurdles
Place 2 rows of 6 small hurdles 5 metres apart. (or depending on age/ability).
Children to step over hurdle take 3 strides - step over - 3 strides - step over... and so on.
Lead leg should go over every hurdle first. (But practice leading with both legs)
Increase distance between each hurdle - keeping distances the same between each
Progress to large hurdles but can keep low.
Coach should stand at end to see form etc.